Enjoying Who God Created You to Be


By:  J. Meyer


Start believing today that you are a rare, one-of-a-kind, valuable and precious individual. To help you learn how to be successful at being yourself, I want to give you some easy-to-follow suggestions:


Speak good things about yourself. 


Declare what God’s Word says about you. For example, say to yourself, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ. I am made acceptable in the Beloved. God formed me with His own hand, He loves me, and God doesn’t make mistakes.”

Avoid comparing yourself with others.


God must love variety, or all of us wouldn’t look so different. He has created each of us differently right down to our fingertips. We can look to certain people as good examples to follow, but even then, good traits if duplicated will manifest differently through our individual personalities.

Focus on your potential instead of your limitations. 


Refuse to concentrate on your weaknesses except in an effort to turn them into strengths. Keep your flaws in perspective. People with a high level of confidence have just as many weaknesses as those without confidence, but they focus on their strengths instead of their weaknesses.

Learn to cope with criticism. 


If you dare to be different, you’ll have to expect some criticism. Going along with the crowd when you know in your heart that God is leading you in a different direction is one of the reasons individuals don’t succeed at being themselves. You won’t be comfortable in your own skin if you go against your own convictions.


You are a person who is perfected and complete in Him. When you start to believe that, you will no longer feel that you are lacking anything or that there is anything wrong with you.


Remember this: God will never anoint you to be anyone other than yourself. Let now be your time to go forward and be set free from the torments of comparing yourself with others and trying to be someone you’re not. God is proud of who He made you to be!

Small Beginnings


By:  L. Stewart

Zech 4:10 says, “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.”

I’m so glad that God gets excited when I start something new. He knows that trusting Him will cost me something.

I recently started a new life adventure. God directed me, an almost 40-year-old school teacher, to move from California to Virginia to go back to school. As a wife and mother of three, you can imagine the tremendous leap of faith this was for my husband and children. But the Word of God is full of such stories.

When the exiles returned to Jerusalem from Babylon, they faced one obstacle after another.  First, the Jewish exiles had no place of worship since Solomon’s temple had been destroyed. Zerubbabel and Jeshua were priests in charge of building a new temple. But before they could build the temple, an altar of sacrifice was built.

Ezra 3:3 says, “Even though the people were afraid of the local residents, they rebuilt the altar.”

Have you ever been afraid to start something for God? God almost always calls us to the very thing that terrifies us. Fear is the opposite of faith. He must kill the fear that lies within us, in order to make us people who solely rely on Him and His Word. Faith is what pleases God.

When God spoke to me in 2005 He said, “Major in Communications and prepare for television.”  My first thought was, “I’m afraid to speak! And I don’t know the first thing about television!”

God probably smiled right about then. I love what Joyce Meyer says. If God asks you to do something that makes you afraid, just “do it afraid!”

Have you ever started something new for God and nobody seemed to care or offer to help? Jeshua and  Zerubbabel believed God wanted them to rebuild the temple. Unlike today, the men had no building program launch celebration. They couldn’t even pay the workers real wages; the Bible says the Jewish exiles paid the workers with food, wine, and olive oil.

When we moved to Virginia, my husband and I had no jobs waiting for us. No one welcomed us when we arrived, because nobody knew we existed yet! We only knew that if God provided for all the obedient men and women in the Bible and in history, then God would do it for us too.

Have you ever wanted to start something new and all you hear is negative voices? Zerubbabel and Jeshua faced discouragement from the older generation. Ezra 3:12-13records that while most of the people were rejoicing when the foundation was laid, another sound was heard–weeping!  The older priests remembered Solomon’s glorious temple and they wept when they realized the new temple would not be as grand.

When God tells you to start something, count on a few things:

Small beginnings

Real risk

Financial need


Discouragement , even from some believers

Not a very appealing list, is it? Now do you see why God rejoices when we begin a new work for Him? Our faith and obedience attract His favor and His supernatural power.

God will give you favor from unexpected people when you dare to obey Him. King Cyrus fully supported the exiles return and the building project. The next Persian kings, Darius and Artaxerxes also encouraged construction of the Temple in Jerusalem. Maybe the local people opposed the rebuilding, but the exiles had the favor of the most powerful people of their time.

As you step out in faith, God will not only meet your needs, but will bless you with abundance. Over time, financial provision arrived for the builders, accompanied by reinforcements. God sent a second wave of exiles led by Ezra.  Artaxerxes loaded Ezra with gifts and provisions (Ezra 7) to take back and even wrote to his treasurers, “You are to give Ezra whatever he requests of you.”

Can you guess how the story ends? The temple is rebuilt and that inspires another man, Nehemiah, to return to build the city wall. See, your obedience to start small may ultimately lead to more people starting small, and the cycle continues.

My story is still in the “small beginning” stage. But I can tell you that God provided an incredible job for my husband, and I successfully completed my first semester in grad school. May God rejoice over you as you are faithful to start small.



By:  GST


What the king asks is too difficult. No one can reveal it to the king except the gods, and they do not live among men (Daniel 2:11).


G.K. Chesterton, the British author and critic wrote, “The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies, probably because they are generally the same people” (Mark Rosen, Thank You For Being Such A Pain, (New York, NY: Three Rivers Press, 1999), p. 13.)


Difficult people are all around you.  In the office the difficult person tells you your faults. At home he or she has the frankness to tell you your lipstick isn’t the right shade, that you are wearing the wrong clothes, that your fried chicken isn’t as good as Colonel Sanders’.  Your difficult neighbor tells you that your house isn’t painted the right color, or that you should have more sense than to vote the way you do, or that your tree is on his property.  A difficult teacher picks at your work, accuses you of plagiarism when you wrote your own essay, and reminds you that she has the power to keep you from graduating.


A difficult person makes you miserable, refuses to give you your due recognition, ignores your good work, and minimizes your contribution to the cause, thinks that your business is his business and feels compelled to point out your flaws.


The Bible is a 3000-year record of difficult people who made other people feel uncomfortable.  Cain, Adam’s son, made life difficult for his brother Abel, so difficult that he found him in the field and took his life, and from that moment to the present there have been difficult people with whom you have to contend.  They won’t go away.  There’s no escaping them.  In his book, Thank You For Being Such a Pain, Mark Rosen says, “A difficult person is someone who causes us to feel things we’d rather not be feeling.” (Rosen, p. 13.)


Today, however, some have elevated the task to an art form-they are the ones who bedevil you and irritate you and make you wish that a bolt of lightning would take them out of your life.


That’s why difficult people offer a great challenge or an opportunity.  They can be as abrasive as an axe that cuts to the root, or else their acerbic deeds, words, and personalities can serve as a grinding stone, sharpening the edge of your axe.  Instead of allowing them to get to you, you learn from them, profit from their critiques, and gain an inner strength which makes you a better person.


Everyone is difficult to someone.  Most of the time, however, people are not trying to be difficult.  Their personality simply runs against the grain of yours.  Their insecurities produce flaws in their relationships which they don’t know even exist, and, at the time, they actually think they are doing you a favor to point out the fact that your lipstick isn’t the right shade for your complexion.


Since we lived across the street from a golf course, I began playing golf as a kid. With my brother and several of my friends I would whack the ball around the old Overland Golf Course.  It was great fun because we enjoyed each other; however, it was when I began playing with guys who were much better than I that my game improved.  They made the difficult shots that I missed and it was the pressure to do better which made my game improve.


The same thing occurred in college and graduate school.  Hazel Potts was brilliant.  She knew English literature as did no other professor I ever had, but she was also difficult, at times very difficult.  She had a cold look that could turn your blood to ice water and a mannerism which reminded me of a matron in a woman’s prison.  But I can tell you one thing for sure, I learned more from her than from the teachers who had pleasant personalities and big smiles.


You can profit from those difficult people in your life.


Resource reading: Daniel 2

Long Enough on the Mountain


By:  Blackaby

The LORD our God spoke to us in Horeb, saying: “‘You have dwelt long enough at this mountain.” (Deuteronomy 1:6)

If God allowed us to live on the “mountaintop,” we would not experience trials, but neither would we achieve any victories. The Israelites had gathered at the foot of Mount Horeb while God spoke to them and gave them His law. It was a breathtaking experience! Fire and smoke covered that awesome mountain; lightning flashed, and loud trumpet sounds pierced the air in a deafening crescendo! The ground at the foot of the mountain shook, and the people trembled in fear (Exod. 19:16–25).

As important as it was for God’s people to have this inspiring encounter with Him, their Lord had not rescued them from Egypt in order for them to settle around a mountain in the wilderness. God delivered them so that they could conquer the Promised Land. God wanted to demonstrate His power to the Israelites so that they would trust Him in their conquest of Canaan. Finally, God announced that they had been long enough at the mountain; it was time to go to battle.

The mountain is an enticing place to set up camp. Peter, James, and John were prepared to reside on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus, but their Lord knew that a demon-possessed boy needed their assistance down below (Matt. 17:4, 14–18).

At times God will graciously provide you a mountaintop experience. These times come in many settings: during your time alone with Him, at a Christian conference, by reading a Christian book, or at a prayer meeting. You may wish you could spend the rest of your life basking in the glow of your encounter with God. But remember, these mountaintop encounters are God’s way of preparing you for the battles that await you.

Fail Your Way Forward


By:  E. Jones


Some months ago I stood shoulder-to-shoulder with best selling author Bruce Wilkinson. Bruce stood behind an accordion partition, waiting to go on stage. I stood beside him, examining the subtleties of God’s promises. Neither of us spoke to the other, but we both shared a common bond that evening: we’d both followed God’s voice and found failure at the end of the journey.


When Bruce took the platform he explained how years earlier his first publication folded after just five issues. “When that first magazine ceased publication, I was certain of only one thing – I’d never produce another magazine.” Soon afterwards, Bruce explained, he did produce another periodical, albeit reluctantly. In 1978 Bruce launched Daily Walk and his Walk Thru the Bible publishing ministry began. “Had that first magazine succeeded, I might have been tempted to take credit for its success and that of Daily Walk. But that failure left no doubt in my mind as to who deserved the glory.”


I, too, have launched and lost money in publishing ventures. I, too, have felt certain of God’s voice and found myself lost in a wasteland of debt and doubt. What does it mean to create and fail in the thing God has called you to? What does it mean to begot and not have success?


This is a record of the ancestors of Jesus the Messiah, a descendant of David and of Abraham: Abraham was the father of Isaac. Isaac was the father of Jacob. Jacob was the father of Judah and his brothers. – Matthew 1:1-2(NLT)


Abraham became a father, as God promised, but the pause between God’s pledge and the fulfillment of that promise, spanned decades, causing Abraham to question the accuracy of God’s vision. Like us, Abraham sought to reshape God’s promise into an idol he could touch, see and understand. “Compromise is the answer,” we say. “I will sleep with the maidservant for this is what God meant.”


God’s plan, in God’s time, with God’s people always produces fruit, but that doesn’t mean we won’t stumble and fail our way forward. Our time in the desert is both necessary and ordained by God for it prepares us for His vision. The testing of our faith transforms us into a servant worthy of big dreams with bold outcomes. The trials demand we answer this question: “Will I trust God enough to see me through to the other side even when I can’t see the edge?” Isn’t that the question that haunts us as we breathe our final breath?


I lost $30,000 on a boating magazine and swore I’d never publish another book or periodical. And yet, here I am thirty years later publishing Christian books.


At the close of the conference, I walked to the summit of Chimney Rock and stood on the mesa overlooking the terracotta stratus of New Mexico’s brown and tan mountains. A cold westerly wind pushed against me, driving me away from the edge. This is the thing we fear: falling, failure, and defeat in all its finality. We reach for the dream and recoil when our fingers find nothing but emptiness.


“The problem with the Church,” Bruce said, “is too many Christians are afraid of failure. But God rarely makes our fear disappear. Instead, He asks us to be strong and take courage.”


But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here!” – Matthew 14:27 (NLT)


Take courage, create, and claim the promises God has planted in your heart. Hold God’s hand and give birth to your dream. You can’t find the edge if you don’t lean over. So lean on Him and look across the wasteland.

Golden Bowls of Prayer



By:  D. Delay


Our family enjoys the fun and refreshment of water slides and lazy rivers during hot summer vacations. At most water parks, there are also one or two spots where large buckets hang overhead filling little by little with water. The closer the bucket gets to being full, the larger the crowd grows beneath in anticipation—children and adults alike wait for the outpouring. Then SUDDENLY the bucket tips and a great flood of refreshment crashes down on all below!


In the Book of Revelation, the Bible describes golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints (Revelation 5:8). In other words, the prayers of God’s people collectively fill heavenly bowls with sweet aroma, much like the burnt offerings did in days of old. In Revelation 8, we discover what these bowls are used for:


“Then another angel, having a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden alter which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, ascended before God from the angel’s hand. Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it to the earth. And there were noises, thunderings, lightnings, and an earthquake” (verses 3-5).


Much like the water park buckets, the prayers of God’s people fill golden bowls in heaven. As these bowls fill, the prayers are mingled with incense creating a pleasing aroma to God. Then as the bowls brim over, an angel takes the censor dipped in incense and prayers and showers the fire of God on the earth.


God said, “If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).


The “fire from the altar” is the power of God released from heaven to change the earth. As our prayers are lifted up to God, the golden bowls are filled until they reach a point when the bowls tip and pour out God’s power and provision on the earth.


When God’s people pray earnestly, the “effective, fervent prayer of the righteous” avails much (James 5:16). I’m not talking about begging God. Begging God is not the same as believing God. Effective, fervent prayer is always filled with faith. But to be effective, our prayers can’t be like bullets, popping off toward God like He’s a target. No, our prayers must be spirit-led and intentional. “The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]” (Amplified).


Jentzen Franklin said, “What a marvelous image! When you pray, you are filling the prayer bowls of heaven. In God’s perfect timing, your prayers are mixed with the fire of God (His power) and cast back down to earth to change your situation… Even if you don’t feel like anything is happening in the natural world, when you pray, you are filling the prayer bowls in the spirit realm. When they are full, they will tilt and pour out answers to your prayers!” (The Amazing Discernment of Women, by Jentezen Franklin)


The truth is, we’re guilty of not lingering in prayer long enough. The people at the water park who wearied of waiting for the buckets to fill missed an outpouring. The same is true in prayer. However, it’s not about works (trying to make something happen), it’s about diligence. The word “earnest” describes something serious in intention, purpose, or effort. It can also mean sincerely zealous, meaning it is active, devoted, and diligent, while at the same time being free of hypocrisy or deceit. This kind of prayer is genuine and real. It’s not about how many words are prayed or the manner in which we pray, as long as our prayers are heartfelt, faith-filled, and authentic.


The earth needs saints to be fervent in prayer. God would not have destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah if there had been even 10 righteous people calling out to Him for deliverance. The same is still true today if God’s people will pray. He is ready to tilt the prayer bowl on this generation! So be encouraged in your prayer life—the golden bowls are being filled and the fire of heaven is about to fall!

We Know Love By This


By:  J. Devlin


“We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren”1 John 3:16


I find it impossible to lose sight of the fact that Christ not only died for our sins, but He also endured everything we would have to endure, so that we could never say that He didn’t understand our problems.


In the verse above, we see how Jesus shows His unconditional, undeserved love through His willingness to die for us in order to give us life. With this action on His part, He has every right to request that we offer the littlest portion of such a gesture for someone else. This verse doesn’t only talk about showing love by losing your physical life; but also about setting aside your own agenda in order to help, reach out to, and love others.


If you think there are no people on earth today that are willing to die for their fellow man, look again! All you have to do is take a look around your community—from the policemen, firemen, and emergency crews to members of the military.


We see that such a love for others is all around us. It doesn’t have to be as glamorous as the secret service in their dapper suits and earpiece communications to be a life-saving profession. We all witnessed countless heroes on 9/11 and during other tragedies who did their all to save the lives of others.


We see accounts of heroism on some level just about every night on the evening news. People are seen laying their own lives on the line for someone else. How much moreshould we be willing to lay down our lives for others since we have the example of Christ being sacrificed once for all men!


If you ask any of these people (servicemen and women, firemen, policemen, etc.) “why” they do what they do, they may not be able to tell you, it’s just something in them—a sense of duty that makes them willing. It’s the same with our faith! With the Holy Spirit in us, we will just be walking in the Spirit, willing to do what we should as we love each other.


The picture of love that Christ showed us is perfect. Love in its simplest form according to Christ is obedience. Christ was obedient to the Father and became the ultimate sacrifice, a greater example of love does not exist!


In John 14:15 we see Jesus give guidance on our relationship with Him, where He says,


“If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.”


Obedience is a result of love and respect. When we love Jesus, we obey His requests. Jesus loved the Father and obeyed His commands.


We love God and others, and one way we show our love is through obeying God’s commands. Jesus clearly tells His people,


“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”John 13:34


In this, we can see that loving one another Jesus’ way is more than “mushy gushy love talk” and a quick hug. It’s the real, lay down your life, pull together and help someone where they need you (even when it’s not easy) type gesture backed up by genuine, hard-working action.


Love is the best when it is being “worked out” and actions are involved. Love is an action. It is not just a passing emotion that requires little more than brainpower and some smooth talk!   


Jesus showed love to those He came into contact with during His earthly ministry by improving their situation. He impacted their lives in positive ways. He cast out demons, making the possessed emotionally whole. He healed physical conditions; He helped out at a wedding to bring honor to those hosting it. He changed lives. Jesus helped us all by giving us the hope of salvation.



Excerpted from Life Principles for Christ-like Living, with permission, Copyright 2006 by Jennifer Devlin, ISBN 0-89957-339-8. 

How to Reach the Others God Has for You to Reach


By:  J. Meyer


Jesus began His public ministry in Nazareth. It was the town where He grew up, where all His close friends and family lived―where any one of us would have expected plenty of hugs and hand claps of encouragement. But for Jesus, it was not a good experience.


The crowd was happy with Jesus’ teachings to a point, but when His words became a little more direct and corrective, the Bible says they became so enraged that they actually tried to kill Him (see Luke 4:28,29). Jesus didn’t even try to defend the validity of His ministry. Verse 30 says, “But passing through their midst, He went on His way.”


Now, the next place He went was Capernaum, where He preached to large crowds, performed miracles and cast out devils from among the people. And they were just so happy. They said, “Stay with us, Jesus. This is Your spot!” Well, who wouldn’t want to stay where everybody loves and appreciates you? But Jesus didn’t hang around there either because He knew there were others who needed to hear His message.


There’s a major lesson to be learned here. See, Jesus wasn’t moved by people’s rejection nor was He moved by their acceptance. He was moved by the Spirit of God.


If you can learn how to follow God whether you’re accepted or rejected, you’re well on your way to fulfilling the call of God on your life to reach out to others.


What to Do When Others Reject You


Have you ever tried to help someone who didn’t really want to be helped out of their situation? You know, we tend to think that if we could just explain things a little more clearly or be a little bit better witness, they could be helped. But honestly and truly, we’ve got to know when to break free from the burden of false responsibility.


In Matthew 10, Jesus was sending out His disciples, and He told them that if they went to a town and the people didn’t accept them, they should shake the dust off their feet and go to the next town.


What does that mean for Christians today? It means if someone doesn’t want to be helped, we can continue to pray on their behalf, but we are not obligated to try and change them.


The world is full of hungry, hurting, needy people who would love to get any little bit of love and encouragement you have to give them. So when one person rejects you, don’t let that stop you. Just do what Jesus did. Move on to the next person and the next person until somebody wants what you’ve got.


What to Do When Others Ask Too Much


Now, there are going to be others in your life who love and appreciate you and won’t ever want you to leave their side because of who you are and what you do for them. And it’s tempting to stay around people like that because they genuinely care about you. But if you choose to stay in that same small circle, you won’t be able to reach out to others in need―and “on others” is where God wants our focus to be.


I think it would absolutely set the church on fire if every Christian would realize they have what it takes to make a difference in the lives of others.

Victory One Step at a Time


By:  Blackaby


And the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you little by little; you will be unable to destroy them at once, lest the beasts of the field become too numerous for you. (Deuteronomy 7:22)


When God led His people into the Promised Land, He did so step by step. If He had allowed them to annihilate their enemies at once, the land would have been too difficult to manage. So He allowed some of the enemies to remain for a time in order to maintain the land and suppress the wildlife. In doing so, God taught His people to trust Him step by step. He gave them only as much responsibility as they could handle at one time.


As God leads you in your Christian growth, He will allow challenges that match your character and relationship to Him. God will not totally change your character at once when you become a Christian. Rather, He will lead you through a process to become more like His Son. He will keep working in an area in your life until it is controlled by the Holy Spirit. You may eagerly desire maturity in every area of your character, but steady, gradual growth is more lasting. God will not take shortcuts in His process of making you like Christ. He sees your life from eternity and will take as long as necessary to produce lasting spiritual growth in you.


Do not become impatient while God is producing Christlikeness in you. Do not seek more responsibilities than those He has given you. Obey all that you know He has asked, and He will lead you at a pace that fits your present character and His purposes for you.


It’s So Wonderful to Just to Be Yourself


When I was still at the age between 7 to 13, how I wish I could just be like Batman, Ironman, Superman or any of the comic and cartoon heroes. At age 21, I dreamed of becoming like the Ayalas, Marcos, Warren Buffet, Donald Trump or any of the iconic names in the political and business world. I thought there’s a feeling of security within me should I be one among these prestigious individuals.


What is it that makes us dream of becoming somebody endowed with power, strength, extraordinary qualities, feats and achievement? Is it our way of escaping from reality that we temporarily fill the void within us by way of daydreaming? Whatever the reasons maybe, one thing is sure. We cannot become somebody we are not. Yes, we can imitate some of them (political and business figures) by observing the principles they applied towards accomplishment, but definitely, we cannot be like them.


Each individual person is created unique and especial so we cannot just mimic somebody else, and at the same time, be guaranteed to receive real happiness. You are you, so what makes you think that masquerading would make a difference. The truth is, it’s so wonderful to just to be yourself.


Here are three (3) reasons why being true to oneself is imperative in life:


#1  It draws respect within us that further brings happiness.

     Hypocrisy is deceptive.  We may make others admire us or let them be impressed by our pretentious act but, ultimately, at the deep recesses of your being, you know what is true. And unless our relationship is genuine, bliss is remote.


#2  It makes us recognize and know our very selves and further allows us to identify the value of others.

     Knowing our weaknesses humble us in recognizing the value of others. Since everybody has each own strengths and weaknesses, the opportunity to complement each other shall surface, allowing us to realize our need for one another. We shall bind to help and support each other in our weak areas and we will be using our strengths for the benefit of those who are weak in certain areas.


#3  It causes us to thrive and grow by directing our focus on what’s really important.

     Having the knowledge of who we really are, we can now identify where to invest more of our limited time. To spend our precious time on the trivial things of life is unwise while directing it on our priorities and strengths is prudent. To heed the words of Myles Munroe is crucial. He said, “You weren’t born to do everything.”


Though we cannot do everything, we can do something. Life is so short for us to attempt doing everything. We cannot be happy on that venture. A statement from the book of Psalm is wise to heed.


“Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” – Psalm 90:12


Focusing our time and energy on our strengths make us excel and grow towards our real gifting, talents, and abilities which further catapult us to fulfill our respective purposes and callings.


I remember Lieutenant Colonel Peralta, my former military Commander, who once said, “Nobody has the monopoly of knowledge. Hence, we need each other to accomplish our mission.”


Colonel Peralta is right. I now realized that I will only be happy doing the few things which I enjoy carrying out, because that’s my lot, than performing a lot of things that only stress me out (because they aren’t mine to perform).


Happiness would never elude someone who remains to be himself, honest to himself, and places himself only on the niche of his calling. I may never be like Ironman, Superman, or Trump, I know I’m still fulfilled because I exude my real portion to the world. That’s why, it’s so wonderful to just to be yourself.


Have a blessed day/evening to all!!